Gaelcon 32 – 2020

Gaelcon 32 took place from 23rd to 26th October, 2020. This was the first of only two “virtual” Gaelcons ever, taking place over Discord and Zoom, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Originally planned for the Crowne Plaza in Santry, everything was on track until, in late February and early March, word started spreading of a lot of people getting sick, and something about a “Coronavirus”. Then, lockdown was announced, everything changed, changed utterly! And it was not as much fun as a game of Pandemic! The Gaelcon 32 committee did an outstanding job of pivoting to become a virtual con, despite uncertainty, limited resources, and, well – a pandemic!

Venue: Virtual. AKA the Internet, the ether, the Astral Plane, subspace…

Con Director: Pat Maher

Guest of Honour/Special Guests: none

Spirit of Gaelcon winner:

Quizmaster: Graham Turner

Charity Auctioneer: Brian Nisbet

Charity partners/beneficiary: BeLonG To

Gaelcon 32 programme: watch this space


What, you want pictures of a virtual con?

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