Gaelcon 33 took place from 22nd to 25th October, 2021. This was the second “virtual” Gaelcon, taking place over Discord, Zoom, and various other bits of the Internet, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Venue: Virtual. AKA the Internet, the ether, the Astral Plane, subspace…
Con Director: Mike Cosgrave
Guest of Honour/Special Guests: none
Spirit of Gaelcon winner: Lorcan Nagle
Quizmaster: Graham Turner
Charity Auctioneer: Brian Nisbet
Charity partners/beneficiary: BeLonG To
Gaelcon 33 programme: watch this space
What, you want pictures of a virtual con? Um… this is the best we can do!

Photos are used with permission and unless otherwise noted, are owned by their original creators and are released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.
If you have anything you’d like to contribute to the archive, or if you can fill in gaps in our collective memories, please email us at!