The poster is out, and it’s awesome: see what you see here.
It’s led to a particularly fetching T-shirt for the merch-hungry.
The Urgent:
Wanna run/demo/teach a boardgame at Gaelcon 36? Deadline for applications is fast approaching. This is of tremendous interest to that community and they’re super encouraging if you want to try something. Here’s the link.
The Volunteer form is now open also: Clicky-clicky here. Give up a few hours of your time, give back to the community and get some perks. WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS (as we are *all* volunteers!).
The updates:
We’re confirming the return of the very popular painting area – Gray Primer, a great friend of the con, is organising that and we’ll have a further update on their plans shortly.
We will have a full Pathfinder schedule over the course of the weekend; yay.
We got a brilliant selection of RPGs this year; and the slot preference form for GMs/DMs/Keepers etc on the way. This will be first come, first served.
Trade hall approvals and locations are going out; excellent response from traders this year, bring your gems, they’ll have the goods.
The basics:
Convention will run from October 25-28th 2024, at the Crowne Plaza, Northwood, Dublin 9. Tickets now live! Need accommodation for the con? Hotel link
Some events sold out, and some perilously close to being sold out.
The chaser:
As well as the usual socials, we haz discord; as the announcements ramp up, you’ll hear about them there too. JOIN US!