Under Eave Odyssey | Eoin Moore*

Friday Evening Slot (1800-2100)

Sunday Afternoon Slot (1400-1700)
T: Teens and Older
Content Warning: Plague, mild horror and violence, insects, (charming fantasy) rodents

A plague has overtaken the subterranean Mouse community of Below-Doorstep. The once-thriving streets are now eerily silent. Those who can are packing up and moving and every day more mice are added to the roll of the dead. Unless something is done soon, Below-Doorstep will become a ghost town.

A group of the bravest Mice in town are setting out on a daring expedition. They will journey above-ground: sneaking through the Den of the Infernal Cat Dante, navigating the treacherous maze of the Kitchenette/Pantry, and clambering up the forgotten pathways of the Inner-Wall, on a quest to reach the lofty heights of the Under-Eave.

There, they will seek an audience with the ancient Owl Wizard, Barnabus the Terrible, and pray that his library holds some magic or medicine that can save Below-Doorstep from its ghastly fate.