The Paper Trail | Klava “Casper” Wilson *
Dungeons & Dragons 5E

Saturday Morning Slot (1000-1300)
Sunday Morning Slot (1000-1300)
T: Teens and Older
Content Warning: Existential dread, fantasy violence, mild body horror, possible descriptions of gore, heights, fire

The Lost Letter Office is the somewhat lesser known, and much lesser liked, little cousin of the City Postal Service.

Squatting in its larger counterpart’s basement, it is a series of cramped rooms stacked with innominate envelopes, where uniformed posties sort every message that no one has or will ever send. Most of these are just scrambled secrets or throwaway thoughts, fed to the shredder with no mind paid to their destruction. But, every so often, a special few slip through the nets of never; prayers strong enough to be put to paper, promises unspoken yet unbroken, whispers unheard above the din of irresolution. These get delivered, for better or worse.

The wave of new messages began arriving a week ago. At first they were addressed to the Lost Letter Office, and then they were addressed to you; the Office’s anonymous workforce, receiving innocent-looking letters blotched top to bottom with your deepest regrets and most desperate secrets.

Something is trying to get your attention. And as the paper keeps piling, it comes time you’re asked to trace the trail.