Satellite Cemetery | Pierce Woodall *
Liminal Horror

Saturday Morning Slot (1000-1300)

Sunday Afternoon Slot (1400-1700)
T: Teens And Older
Content Warning: Deep water, isolation, existentialism, cannibalism, bodily harm, descriptions of gore, body horror, submechanophobia, possible character death

The Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility, or Point Nemo, exists over 2,000 kilometers from the nearest land mass. Besides being the most isolated location on the planet, the site hosts the mechanical souls of crashed space junk laid to eternal rest in a graveyard miles below the surface. 

They’ve been abandoned, left to rust and rot in their watery crypt, but human curiosity could never leave it be for long. Don’t you wonder if the satellites feel at home in the darkest depths of the ocean? After all, they say the bottom of the sea looks most like the farthest reaches of space.