Murder by Bite | Rita
Vampire: The Masquerade 5E

Saturday Afternoon Slot (1400-1700)
Mature: Adults Only
Content Warning: Murder, Blood consumption, strong language

You’re Kindred. A Cainite. A vampire. And like all vampires, you were made by another, more powerful vampire, your Sire. Your Sire, in particular, was a fading star of silent movies, until he was turned himself. 

Now, a sickness of the mind has taken him to the point he is a danger to the Masquerade, the law that bids all Kindred keep their existence a secret from mortals.

The Prince, in her infinite wisdom, has tasked you and other two of your siblings by blood with the most dreadful task of killing your Sire permanently. The only problem? You don’t know who these other two are. In a house with six vampires and a demented Sire, who can you trust?