Charity giving update

The IGA are pleased to announce that we are making the following payments on our members’ behalf to our charity partners:

Temple Street – €1350 via Kris and Lynn so they can double the payment via Google 
Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland – €4,915.20 
BelongTo – €15,938.80 

We plan on making these payments before Christmas. As a result all our current commitments to our Charity Commitments have been fulfilled.

Thank you to all who support this initiative; and thank you to the charity partners for the amazing work they do, on behalf of our shared hobby.


The IGA are currently reviewing the current Charity Partners for 2025. As a result, we would love to hear from our members if you have any possible children’s charities you would like to propose to us.  If you have any charities you would like to nominate, please email before 7th January 2024 so it can be reviewed at the next IGA Executive meeting.

A reminder of our current policy for nominating charities is as follows:
General Members of the IGA can nominate a charity by emailing,  outlining details of the charity and why the charity should be chosen. 
Gaelcon attendees can nominate a charity by emailing, outlining details of the charity and why the charity should be chosen. 
Members of the IGA Executive can nominate a charity by raising at an executive meeting or emailing, outlining details of the charity and why the charity should be chosen. 
The IGA Charity Officer can research charities and bring it to at an executive meeting
All charity nominations will be discussed by the IGA Executive before bringing it to the next general IGA Meeting for input from the wider IGA membership
If the IGA chose to change the primary charity in the future, then a call will be made to Gaelcon attendees/IGA Members to make nominations and a similar process as above can be followed.