Hello All, a short update for you all to finish out the Mega Paddies Weekend. Gaelcon this year is planning to be in person as a Hybrid Event on the October Bank Holiday Weekend, the 28th to the 31st of October.
This means that we’ll have events happening both in person and online including RPG’s, Panels, Wargaming, Card Games and of course our classics, the Pub Quiz and the Charity Auction.
The in person section of the convention will be in the Crowne Plaza Northwood. We hope to have ticket sales up and running before the summer and Merch sales sometime thereafter.
A few points on the preparation for the con as it stands;
- The RPG’s form is live! We have gotten some amazing submissions already but more are always a good thing so submit games to run at the con here; https://forms.gle/rZkAPxvQPQrEBx8w8 While the RPG’s team and other con organisers are not adverse to hunting people down as the deadline approaches later in the year, it’s not as fun the fifth or sixth time.
- We are working on the website and overhauling it as part of the wider IGA change to a newer, more transparent organisation, which is part of why you can’t buy tickets right now but it’ll be done soon and we will let you know.
- The con committee are endeavouring to be at as many conventions as we can get to talk about the con. So keep an eye on social media if you are going to a con and want to talk to one of us in person as we will be posting there where we are and what we’re doing
- Aside from RPGs & Larps, the other teams are working their hardest on organising their aspects of the convention but we don’t have big exciting news there yet so we won’t say much more at this point but don’t worry, we’ll update you as we can!
Now you might be wondering what’s the theme for the convention that’s the first Gaelcon in person since 2019. Well we figured it really chose itself when we decided the Roaring 20’s! The glamour, the singing, the cultists, the escapism, The criminal underworld, the absinthe! We shall do our very best to have it all! Please note the con director does not aspire to be Jay Gatsby or similar and comparisons to that vein won’t go down well, all other applicable Baz Luherman films are free game though!
So some in all your pinstriped, pearl bedecked, glittery glory while you ignore the ominous chanting as we sacrifice staff to Eldritch Beings in the hope of things going well!
Eds Note; We expect roughly the same number of sacrifices to eldritch horrors as any other Gaelcon, which is exactly how many you think it is.